Le 16/05/2012 7:34, Marc Paré a écrit :
Thanks, I should have mentioned that I was not really looking for the
MS format compatibility as this is an on-going process, even almost a
"cat and mouse" process for LibreOffice. I find that professors I
collaborate with are more forgiving of the ODF format and will accept
submissions in ODF from their students. The reason for this is that
some of these professors use LibreOffice at home and do conferences
with their laptop with both MSO and LibreOffice on their machines.
So, I am really looking for people on this list who are in academia
and have "extended" their LibreOffice for use in their work. What
extensions are they using, and, it would be nice to know why?
Dear Marc,
I am working in an university environment.
I'm successfully using LibreOffice without any add-on or extension.
However, my use of LibreOffice is quite limited in my profesionnal
environment, due to the following problems:
1. I have to work with files (texts, spreadsheets, presentations) that
have to be edited and exchanged with students and colleagues, who are
mostly M$ users (sorry to come back again to the same M$ story...)
2. We tried to select Calc as the reference spreadsheet for all data
treatment in my team, but absence of X-error bars is too limiting for
our specific use.
As mentionned by others, Zotero is used in our university environment
for bibliographic citations.
Hope this can help,
Best regards,
Patrick GERIN
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