Le 2012-05-15 04:28, Gordon Burgess-Parker a écrit :
On 15/05/12 09:20, Laurence Jeloudev wrote:
I hope Microsoft Office support Libreoffice file formats the odf
formats in there next office release,
They already "support" odf formats. (From Office 2007 SP1 if I recall).
Unfortunately they do it on their terms such that if you open an ods
file in Excel ALL the formulae are stripped out and replaced with the
last value. Useful, huh?
Thanks, I should have mentioned that I was not really looking for the MS
format compatibility as this is an on-going process, even almost a "cat
and mouse" process for LibreOffice. I find that professors I collaborate
with are more forgiving of the ODF format and will accept submissions in
ODF from their students. The reason for this is that some of these
professors use LibreOffice at home and do conferences with their laptop
with both MSO and LibreOffice on their machines.
So, I am really looking for people on this list who are in academia and
have "extended" their LibreOffice for use in their work. What extensions
are they using, and, it would be nice to know why?
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