Hello Marc,

In the process of commenting it would be good that people who actively respond 
to a reported bug, also add their email address. Just for those many cases 
where the original reporting person has disappeared, and there no longer is a 
"problem holder" from the user comunity.

>Thanks for the reply and comments.
>Le 2012-05-18 05:50, Pedro a écrit :
>> Hi Marc
>> Marc Paré wrote
>>> Actually, after reading the bug report, I checked to see if 
>I had the 
>>> same problem. I read the suggestion of resetting the profile and it 
>>> now works properly.
>>> Let me know if this works for you too and I will file a report on 
>>> your submitted bug confirming the fix.
>> Resetting the user profile is hardly a fix. I think the correct name 
>> is workaround.
>> Although this is acceptable for advanced users, it is enough to make 
>> someone who is trying out LibreOffice to give up (see comments in 
>> AskLibO and User mailing list)
>> Returning to the subject of this topic, adding a mechanism 
>(i.e. a one 
>> click button to Repair profile) to fix this kind of problems 
>would be 
>> a good addition to the usability and friendliness of the Suite.
>> (Before someone shoots the LibreOffice default comment "Why 
>don't you 
>> fix it yourself?" TM, I want to add that I am not a developer)
>> Regards,
>> Pedro
>The process of bug-fixing is:
>* people report a bug
>* people confirm the bug through testing
>* devs either accept or reject the bug (normally accept, 
>unless the bug is a duplicate of another bug report)
>* people + devs find a temporary work-around
>* devs will try to find a fix
>* people will try the fix and report back
>* fix is corrected in an updated version
>Now that we have found a workaround for this bug, the 
>volunteer-devs can get to work at finding the solution, which, 
>can either be a small fix or a large coding fix; we don't 
>really know at this point. (BTW, I am also not a dev.)
>The bug-report-fixing in opensource projects is normally heavy 
>on people reporting problems and finding temporary 
>workarounds, often with dev support. The workaround does not 
>mean that the bug will be closed, it just means that the devs 
>now have solid confirmation of the problem and finding a fix 
>with testing is the next step.
>In fact, if a user reports a bug, it is hoped, in all cases, 
>that the user will help testing out any fixes suggested by the 
>devs so that they can better understand and correct the problem.
>Although opensource software is free to use, it is hoped that 
>the user will help make the project better by participating in 
>some way as a form of repayment, if at all possible. There is 
>always something a user can do to help no matter how small the 
>contribution. Even leaving comments such as yours is helpful. 
>(BTW, I will include you comment about the "one click button 
>..." to the bug report.)[1]
>If you feel you can help with the LibreOffice project in any 
>way, feel free to ask and someone will suggest where you could 
>help. Now that we know the workaround we can help other users 
>who have this problem by informing them of it.
>[1] https://bugs.freedesktop.org/process_bug.cgi
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