Hi Pedro,

Thanks for the reply and comments.

Le 2012-05-18 05:50, Pedro a écrit :
Hi Marc

Marc Paré wrote

Actually, after reading the bug report, I checked to see if I had the
same problem. I read the suggestion of resetting the profile and it now
works properly.

Let me know if this works for you too and I will file a report on your
submitted bug confirming the fix.

Resetting the user profile is hardly a fix. I think the correct name is

Although this is acceptable for advanced users, it is enough to make someone
who is trying out LibreOffice to give up (see comments in AskLibO and User
mailing list)

Returning to the subject of this topic, adding a mechanism (i.e. a one click
button to Repair profile) to fix this kind of problems would be a good
addition to the usability and friendliness of the Suite.

(Before someone shoots the LibreOffice default comment "Why don't you fix it
yourself?" TM, I want to add that I am not a developer)


The process of bug-fixing is:

* people report a bug
* people confirm the bug through testing
* devs either accept or reject the bug (normally accept, unless the bug is a duplicate of another bug report)
* people + devs find a temporary work-around
* devs will try to find a fix
* people will try the fix and report back
* fix is corrected in an updated version

Now that we have found a workaround for this bug, the volunteer-devs can get to work at finding the solution, which, can either be a small fix or a large coding fix; we don't really know at this point. (BTW, I am also not a dev.)

The bug-report-fixing in opensource projects is normally heavy on people reporting problems and finding temporary workarounds, often with dev support. The workaround does not mean that the bug will be closed, it just means that the devs now have solid confirmation of the problem and finding a fix with testing is the next step.

In fact, if a user reports a bug, it is hoped, in all cases, that the user will help testing out any fixes suggested by the devs so that they can better understand and correct the problem.

Although opensource software is free to use, it is hoped that the user will help make the project better by participating in some way as a form of repayment, if at all possible. There is always something a user can do to help no matter how small the contribution. Even leaving comments such as yours is helpful. (BTW, I will include you comment about the "one click button ..." to the bug report.)[1]

If you feel you can help with the LibreOffice project in any way, feel free to ask and someone will suggest where you could help. Now that we know the workaround we can help other users who have this problem by informing them of it.



[1] https://bugs.freedesktop.org/process_bug.cgi

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