Hi all,
Marc-André Laverdière wrote (13-04-12 13:46)
As the dev team has been trying to shrink the LO suite, and remove a
lot of bloat accumulated over the years, this is something that could
slash a lot of the footprint.
The email is a very tiny Python component :-)
One of the concerns I have, though, is in terms of usability... would
asking the default mail client to handle thousands of emails make the
client freeze? Would it be automated nicely, so that the user doesn't
have to click on 'send' until their fingers fall off?
Indeed. How to integrate all that we can do from the LibreOffice mail
merge in coexistence with an random email client ?
I see already zillion shortcomings, configuration challenges and bugs at
the horizon :-)
On Fri, Apr 13, 2012 at 7:30 AM, Gordon Burgess-Parker
<gbpli...@gmail.com> wrote:
The major problem with that as far as I can see is that there is NO RECORD
ANYWHERE of the emails sent by that process.
Would be easy to add for someone able to write Python.
- Cor
- http://nl.libreoffice.org
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