I had cause the other day to do a Mail Merge to Email in Writer.
I was horrified to discover that the Mail Merge to Email function does
NOT call the default email client, but uses an in-built smtp function
within Writer.
The major problem with that as far as I can see is that there is NO
RECORD ANYWHERE of the emails sent by that process.
Surely in the days of Sarbanes-Oxley and other legislation that is an
appalling omission?
Wouldn't it be far easier to call the default email client rather than
use some in-built sending mechanism, just like it does if you use the
File-Send-Document as Email?
Secondly (and this is a usage comment not a plea for a change of
function!)) using a Gmail account in this function causes LO to become
non-responsive - it doesn't like the SSL function....
Registered Linux User no 240308
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