1920...@googlemail.com wrote:
On 4 January 2012 13:46, Michael Meeks <michael.me...@suse.com> wrote:
Trivial to do; and the UX people I've talked to ask to do it. All we
need is for someone to submit a patch we can merge that has the updated
tango icons overwriting the save / saveas icons.
An Easy Hack suitable for someone of the smallest talents ;-)
There are several icon themes in the source tree, one of which is
called tango, and appears to be the default theme.
This seems to differ from the tango set on Wikimedia commons[1] in
several of its icons. So, do we update the whole set or just the two
save icons?
I do wonder whether new users who have never seen inside a computer
would be any more likely to recognise a hard disk than they would a
I am a former system builder myself so I know the difference, but I know
many users actually refer to the "console" (case) as a hard drive, which
is like referring to an automobile as an engine. I myself have an
incredibly low opinion of tablet computers, are they even worthy of
being considered a "real" computer? They cost as much as a competent
laptop with a half terrabyte drive, removable storage and a real
keyboard, and yet they have none of that. Whatever, anyway I like the
floppy icon in LO, to anyone who has actually seen real floppies, it
looks very much like one. And for almost 20 years they were a viable
storage system that all of us "old timers" were used to. DOS 6.2, or
was it 6.3, and Windows 3x as well as Windows 95 all came on 3.5"
floppies. That was back in the days when most of us had never even
heard of Linux.
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