On 09/12/11 07:09, Marc Paré wrote:
Hi Peter

Le 2011-12-06 12:08, Peter Hillier-Brook a écrit :
I've been trying unsuccessfully to find a source of buttons to add
to my web pages. Any thought/pointers anyone?

Peter HB

We are still working on a larger sampling of buttons for external
website use. However, you can find some logos for external use on our
 wiki[1]. Please make sure to use the logos WITHOUT the subline "The
 Document Foundation" as these are reserved for official LibreOffice
use only. The community may make use of the Logos without the TDF

Many thanks for your helpful response. I'm assuming a pointer to the "top" page, i.e. http://www.libreoffice.org will be satisfactory.

Peter HB

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