On 08/12/11 18:47, adept techlists - kazar wrote:
On 12/6/11 12:08 PM, Peter Hillier-Brook wrote:
I've been trying unsuccessfully to find a source of buttons to add
to my web pages. Any thought/pointers anyone?
Peter HB
Not sure what your question has to do with discussing LibreOffice.
Maybe in the future find a forum for web developers? But as for your
buttons, perhaps try Crystal
I think that you're missing the point. I wish to advertise *LibreOffice*
via my web site and I assume that this would be a good thing. ;-)
Mozilla provide a set of buttons for Firefox for just this purpose, the
buttons being sited on a Mozilla site so as to count clicks. I naturally
assumed that either the Document Foundation, or LibreOffice would share
a similar interest in this marketing initiative.
Peter HB
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