On 2011-11-25 3:19 PM Stefan Weigel wrote:
Am 25.11.2011 19:43, schrieb Regina Henschel:
I use Seamonkey for emails. All mailing lists I'm described to (and
believe me that are a lot) behave in the way that a click on
"Antwort auf diese Nachricht" replies to the list. So keep the
documentfoundation.org lists to behave this way too.
+ 1
The message above was written by Regina. Regina sent it to the
mailing list. I didn´t receive it from Regina, but I got it from the
mailing list. From my point of view, the mailing list is the sender.
When I hit the "Reply" button, this has to go back to the sender,
who sent that to me, which is the mailing list and not Regina.
Ergo, please don´t change the behaviour.
Leave reply-to set to the mailing list.
Larry I. Gusaas
Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan Canada
Website: http://larry-gusaas.com
"An artist is never ahead of his time but most people are far behind theirs." -
Edgard Varese
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