This is a continuation of the issue I had with the new installation not 
executing. That problem was solved by Volker Schroer ( thanks Volker). The 
gnuradio-companion script now executes from the terminal but still not from the 
However, the version that executes is the old not the 3.10.11 that I 
installed. Following is the result of execution from the terminal:

pi@raspberrypi:~ $ cd gnuradio/grc/scripts
pi@raspberrypi:~/gnuradio/grc/scripts $ python3 gnuradio-companionRunning from 
source tree
Could not retrieve GNU Radio configuration directory from GNU Radio. Trying 
defaults. Could not retrieve GNU Radio persistent state directory from GNU 
Radio. Trying defaults. Using legacy state path '/home/pi/.grc_gnuradio'. 
Please consider moving state files to '/home/pi/.local/state/gnuradio'.
No section: 'main'
No section: 'main'
No section: 'main'
Warning: vocoder_codec2_decode_ps - option_attributes are for enums only, 
ignoring Warning: vocoder_codec2_encode_sp - option_attributes are for enums 
only, ignoring <<< Welcome to GNU Radio Companion >>>

Block paths:

Loading: "/home/pi/Softrock/Softrock_FT8.grc"
Loading: "/home/pi/Softrock/softrock_QT.grc"
Loading: "/home/pi/Softrock/Receive.grc"
Loading: "/home/pi/Softrock/FT8_Transmit.grc"
Loading: "/home/pi/Softrock/Transmit_CESSB.grc"
I don't understand what is happening.

How can I execute the new version and also how can I get the GUI to execute it 
at all? Have I somehow installed it in the wrong place? I have never before 
installed from source - I always installed using apt-get install.
 Does the old version need to be uninstalled? If so, how do I do that?

I used the instructions "InstallingGRFromSource on Raspberry Pi" from the Wiki.


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