I explicitly mentioned the time stamps you need to set. You're not setting these, so it
doesn't use timed commands.
On 05.01.24 13:38, Oğuzhan Gedikli wrote:
Hello Marcus,
The boards I have are b200 and b210.
I want to change the frequency of 2 SDRs at the same time. Even if I write the codes in
parallel, the frequency of one of the SDRs changes first, and then the frequency of the
other one changes. I want 2 of them to run in parallel.
I looked at the resources you shared and the examples on GitHub. Based on these, I wrote
the following code. But I can't say it worked. I guess I couldn't get it to work.
tune_rx = pmt.make_dict()
tune_rx = pmt.dict_add(tune_rx, pmt.intern("freq"),
self.blocks_message_strobe_0 = blocks.message_strobe(tune_rx, 20)
self.msg_connect((self.blocks_message_strobe_0, "strobe"), (self.uhd_usrp_source_0,
self.msg_connect((self.blocks_message_strobe_0, "strobe"), (self.uhd_usrp_sink_0,
The hopped frequencies vary, usually in 100MHz steps, and are higher than my master
clock rate.
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