Hello there, I managed to record 10Mhz of sample rate which u can find

It seams that interfering signal is infact DVB-T on Channel 46 with Center
frequency of 674 MHz
I also managed to capture that interference channel which you can find

I hope the signal is strong enough to be able to decode something
I believe the MUX is M2 from PayTV Provider called EvoTv from Croatia:

How cuold this interfere me
I am receiving here: https://maps.app.goo.gl/YeNntbpAk25eMjjC8

I am trying to receive 20kW Federalna Televizija on Channel 47 (PAL B/G)
from Velika Gomila: https://fmscan.org/transmitter.php?t=1100309

The interference signal is located in Lička Plješivica, Mirkovica and
Stipanov Grič (DVB-T):

The interference signal is on Channel 46, my Signal of interest is on
Channel 47, thats one channel apart, how can interference even happen
I a bit confused

V V čet., 28. sep. 2023 ob 16:25 je oseba Fabian Schwartau <
fab...@opencode.eu> napisala:

> Do you know this site?
> https://www.sigidwiki.com/wiki/Signal_Identification_Guide
> I had a short peek and could not find anything, but you may have a bit
> more patience.
> Best
> Fabian
> Am 27.09.23 um 13:21 schrieb veso...@gmail.com:
> >
> > Hello there all, I hope someone can help me
> >
> > I am trying to watch some television on CH47 (679.25Mhz)
> >
> > I am in Slovenia and I am trying to receive and watch Federalna
> > Televizija transmitting from Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH)
> >
> > But there is very anoying signal bothering me, you can see the problem
> > here: https://youtu.be/wt4vEfu7yEI?si=XDQ8wQ-rK-lb8LMW
> >
> > Instead of seing PAL and hearing sound, I see this anoying lines and
> > hear digital data :(
> >
> > So I decided to bring my Airspy R2 to visually see and record some IQ
> > data on whats going on
> >
> > So this is what I recorded:
> >
> https://transfer.sh/dMhDtqnodK/baseband_679250000Hz_14-23-42_26-09-2023.wav
> >
> > Center frequency was 679.25Mhz but sadly I was only able to record about
> > 2.5Mhz of Bandwith, because my phone could not handle full 10Mhz
> >
> > As you can see PAL was bearly able to get through this jamming signal
> >
> > At first I thought it could be 600Mhz 5G NR which is sadly right where I
> > want to receive  (663 – 698 Uplink, 617 – 652 Downlink), but thats only
> > for US, not Europe
> >
> > The next suspect could be 5G Extended Lower SMH (which has downlink from
> > 698 – 716) but its 20Mhz above my signal, PAL only needs about 6-8Mhz so
> > this should not be a problem
> >
> > Then I thought maybe LTE Lower SMH on 700MHz could be the culprit, which
> > again doesnt make any sense (Downlink on 699 – 716Mhz)
> >
> > I hope something could be done
> >
> > At least to figure out what signal that is so I can complain to relevant
> > local authorities
> >
> > I am there for a 3 more days, so if needed I can do more messurments
> >
> > Sadly I only brought Airspy HF+, and Airspy R2 with me nothing more
> > capable bandwith vise
> >
> > I also have Samsung Galaxy S10+ if it can maybe help in messuring LTE
> > signals somehow
> >
> > Thanks to everyone for anwsering
> > --
> > Sent from myMail for Android
> >

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