Do you know this site?

I had a short peek and could not find anything, but you may have a bit more patience.


Am 27.09.23 um 13:21 schrieb

Hello there all, I hope someone can help me

I am trying to watch some television on CH47 (679.25Mhz)

I am in Slovenia and I am trying to receive and watch Federalna Televizija transmitting from Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH)

But there is very anoying signal bothering me, you can see the problem here:

Instead of seing PAL and hearing sound, I see this anoying lines and hear digital data :(

So I decided to bring my Airspy R2 to visually see and record some IQ data on whats going on

So this is what I recorded:

Center frequency was 679.25Mhz but sadly I was only able to record about 2.5Mhz of Bandwith, because my phone could not handle full 10Mhz

As you can see PAL was bearly able to get through this jamming signal

At first I thought it could be 600Mhz 5G NR which is sadly right where I want to receive  (663 – 698 Uplink, 617 – 652 Downlink), but thats only for US, not Europe

The next suspect could be 5G Extended Lower SMH (which has downlink from 698 – 716) but its 20Mhz above my signal, PAL only needs about 6-8Mhz so this should not be a problem

Then I thought maybe LTE Lower SMH on 700MHz could be the culprit, which again doesnt make any sense (Downlink on 699 – 716Mhz)

I hope something could be done

At least to figure out what signal that is so I can complain to relevant local authorities

I am there for a 3 more days, so if needed I can do more messurments

Sadly I only brought Airspy HF+, and Airspy R2 with me nothing more capable bandwith vise

I also have Samsung Galaxy S10+ if it can maybe help in messuring LTE signals somehow

Thanks to everyone for anwsering
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