I hope this email finds you well. I am excited to share with you that I have created and published a blog post on the GNU Radio website regarding my work during the Week-1 of the GSoC 2023 Qt Widgets Improvement project.
The blog post focuses on the development of the "Writing Matrix Sink" block and its integration with the Qt Widgets in GNU Radio. This block allows users to write data into a matrix format and visualize it using the powerful GUI capabilities of Qt Widgets. You can find the blog post titled "GSoC 2023 Qt Widgets Improvement Week-1: Writing Matrix Sink Block" on the GNU Radio website https://www.gnuradio.org/blog/2023-06-06-GSoC-2023-Qt-Widgets-Improvement-Week-1/ I am grateful for the opportunity to contribute to the GNU Radio community through GSoC 2023, and I look forward to your feedback and suggestions regarding the Writing Matrix Sink block. Thank you for your continued support and involvement in the GNU Radio project. Best regards, Rohit Bisht