I am trying to enable Performance Counters so I can watch the buffer size of various blocks in a C++ GNU Radio program. Is there anyway to check/verify whether Performance Counters were enabled during compile time? Is it still the case that they are off for apt-get packages for Ubuntu?
I have built a compiled from source GNU Radio Docker container. It is the current Main branch on Ubuntu 22.04. Thrift is installed and being found by cmake. I added '-DENABLE_PERFORMANCE_COUNTERS=True' to the Cmake call and turned everything on in the gnuradio-runtime.conf file. I also hard coded the thrift port to 9090 and port mapped out of the container. When I run gr-ctrlport-monitor I am able to info coming from the program running inside the container, like the edges. However, when I run gr-perf-monitorx I get the following: ControlPort failed to connect. Check the config of your endpoint. [ControlPort] on = True [ControlPort] edges_list = True [PerfCounters] on = True [PerfCounters] export = True Are there some additional steps I need to take to enable Performance Counters? During compilation, I noticed this message, but I think it is in reference to the clock: #8 5.302 -- Performing Test HAVE_MACH_ABSOLUTE_TIME #8 5.337 -- Performing Test HAVE_MACH_ABSOLUTE_TIME - Failed #8 5.337 -- Performing Test HAVE_QUERY_PERFORMANCE_COUNTER #8 5.373 -- Performing Test HAVE_QUERY_PERFORMANCE_COUNTER - Failed #8 5.374 -- High resolution timing supported through clock_gettime.