Just in case anyone runs into this.

gr3.10.1 generates hier block code in *.block.yml while gr3.8 generates code in *.py.block.yml. But GRC was loading the code with the old filename extension rather than the new when I was trying to modify an existing hier block to generate multiple outputs, hence the new changes did not show. And a side note, these files are not saved in ~/.grc_gnuradio/ but in the directory where the hier block .grc file is generated (I believe this is corrected in a later version of gr?).

I also ran into the following error downstream of one of these multiple output ports if the Virtual Sink block is used rather than say QT GUI Time Sink:

RuntimeError: delay(73): insufficient connected output ports (1 needed, 0 connected)

where the Delay block indicated here is the block right before the Virtual Sink.

Is this a bug?



On 5/16/23 9:12 AM, Grace Yeung wrote:
Hi, I am using gr3.10.1 and cannot seem to get a hier block to show multiple outputs with multiple pad sinks in the flowgraph. Any advice? Thanks!


Grace K. Yeung, MS
NorthWest Research Associates
301 Webster Street
Monterey, CA 93940

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