After reviewing your email, Marcus, I decided to go back to my original
project with the Marcus Leech FM heir. I saw that ultimately the reason
I stopped was that the Osomocom block (from the gunradio 3.7 project)
was not sending signal. I could see this because the FFT graph directly
connected to that output was blank. I was able to get the original
project working by creating a new project adding a osomocom block then
copying the rest of the blocks from the original project and it began
working. At 2.4M sample rate it uses 50% of the CPU. The project with
the FMDemod heir block is at 89% CPU usage at 1024M. Don't quite
understand why but the old one works now and is more efficient. I can
post the block diagrams if someone is interested.
- Re: Resource issues when trying to record 2 FM broadcast Martin Lefkowitz
- Re: Resource issues when trying to record 2 FM broad... Gary Schafer
- Re: Resource issues when trying to record 2 FM b... Martin Lefkowitz
- Re: Resource issues when trying to record 2 ... Marcus Müller
- Re: Resource issues when trying to record 2 FM broad... Martin Lefkowitz
- Re: Resource issues when trying to record 2 FM broad... Martin Lefkowitz
- Re: Resource issues when trying to record 2 FM b... Marcus D. Leech