Hi George,

that flow graph doesn't frequency-hop :) It does something different, rather cool. Please correct me if I got anything wrong about your self-written blocks below:

What you do is:

"VCO generator":

Produces always the same 10240-long vector with pseudo-random values,


Repeat that vector you get 100 times (but that makes no difference, you could have just taken 100 vectors from "VCO generator", they are all the same)
This does **not** repeat the elements within the vector 100 times

"VCO (complex)":

Takes every input values and uses it (scaled with a factor) as phase increment relative to the last value it has generated. With the uncorrelated random [0,1] source at the input, and the scaling being such that the phase increment range is always [0;2pi], this just generates a pseudo-random point on the unit circle each output item

"Complex Conj":

Well, takes the complex conjugate of each item individually – still just points of uncorrelated random phase!


You're multiplying the samples from your reception with a different sample each from a repeating, white pseudorandom noise:
This is spectral whitening :) But not frequency hopping.

Best regards,

On 4/28/23 14:03, George Katsimaglis wrote:

Thanks for the answers.
I attach the Rx flowchart and grc of the frequency hopping. I have successfully used it on QO100 satellite.

George SV1BDS

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    Στις Πέμ, 27 Απρ, 2023 στις 14:57, ο χρήστηςMarcus Müller
    <mmuel...@gnuradio.org> έγραψε:
    Hi George,

    > Also I have implemented 1.000.000 hops/sec frequency hopping at
    QO100 satellite, spread
    > over 1 MHz, using 10240 different frequencies.
    > Is this project of general interest?

    Well, that's impossible to say, but honestly: it probably is! And
    also, you shouldn't care
    too much :) It's cool in any case!
    My advise is: Just put it out there.

    But I do have signal theory questions:

    We know that if a signal has a bandwidth of 1 MHz, we can
    (complex) sample it and contain
    all its signal content with a sampling rate of 1 MS/s.

    If you're doing a million hops per second, how are you achieving a
    bandwidth of only 1
    MHz? That means that every hop only gets a single sample, and you
    can't signify
    "frequency" with just a single number.

    So, I might have misunderstood you there, but it would seem what
    you claim to have done is
    mathematically not possible :(

    > I create this script using Python to create QAM constellations
    > May be of general interest.

    It's nice, but GNU Radio already comes with that!

    from gnuradio import digital
    constellation = digital.constellation_16qam()
    points = constellation.points()

    (and you can just use digital.constellation_16qam().points() in a
    GRC block parameter, no
    need to build a string!)

    These are also power-normalized to 1.

    If you don't want normalized (or different sizes of) QAM

    digital.qam.make_non_differential_constellation(M, gray_coded)

    is your friend;

    digital.qam.make_non_differential_constellation(4096, True)

    makes a nice 4096-QAM, but it's average power isn't 1; you can fix

    points = digital.qam.make_non_differential_constellation(4096, True)
    average_pwr = sum(point**2 for point in points) / len(points)
    print(f"Average power: {average_pwr}; normalization factor hence:
    normalized_points = [ point * average_pwr**(-1/2) for point in
    points ]

    Similarly, since you're doing satellite communications, you might
    be interested in PSKs,
    an A-PSKs.

    You can create a PSK using

    digital.psk.psk_constellation(m=4, mod_code='gray', differential=True)


    digital.psk.psk_constellation(16, differential=False)

    If you don't have GNU Radio but just python,

    str([(i, j) for i in range(-n, n, 2) for j in range (-n, n, 2)])

    does the same as your code, but might be a bit easier to read
    (again, if you want to use
    this in GRC, don't do the conversion to `str`; GRC accepts any
    valid Python in its fields).

    Best regards,

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