This is just a guess, but you could try adding:
to your cmake invocation.
On 2/7/23 11:56, aardric wrote:
Here is an excerpt of the CMake output:
-- Configuring gr-soapy support...
-- Dependency SoapySDR_FOUND = 1
-- Enabling gr-soapy support.
-- Override with -DENABLE_GR_SOAPY=ON/OFF
-- SOAPY Version: 0.7.2-unknown
-- No C++ unit tests... skipping
On 2023-02-07 11:12, aardric wrote:
Your feedback goes beyond my expectations. Before I follow this
further, here is a summary of my installation attempt as Marcus
requested. I hope that it is a good balance between detail and clutter.
First to clarify, by 'local' I mean under my home directory (no
superuser install). The OS is opensuse Leap 15.4.
The required Type.h and Types.hpp are in the directory:
> ls ~/.local/include
gnuradio lime pmt SoapySDR
The sequence of the installation is as follows:
(1) gnuradio was installed in the usual manner from the cloned
gnuradio/build> cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=~/.local
-DBoost_LIBRARY_DIRS=/usr/lib64 -DQWT_LIBRARIES=/usr/lib64/
-DQWT_INCLUDE_DIRS=/usr/include/qt5/qwt6 -DENABLE_GR_UHD=OFF
Environment variables:
The installation worked as expected.
(2) The distro version of soapySDR (branch 0.8) was NOT installed as per
the recommendation of
SoapySDR-soapy-sdr-0.7.2 was built and installed from a downloaded
archive file.
SoapySDR-soapy-sdr-0.7.2/build> cmake
Executing SoapySDRUtil worked as expected.
(3) LimeSuite 20.10.0 built and installed from downloaded archive file.
LimeSuite-20.10.0/builddir> cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=~/.local
Executing SoapySDRUtil and LimeUtil found hardware and reported as
(4) gnuradio build directory was emptied and CMakeCache.txt deleted.
gnuradio/build> cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=~/.local
-DBoost_LIBRARY_DIRS=/usr/lib64 -DQWT_LIBRARIES=/usr/lib64/
-DQWT_INCLUDE_DIRS=/usr/include/qt5/qwt6 -DENABLE_GR_UHD=OFF
Configuration by cmake did not show errors but
gnuradio/build> make -j4
results in error on missing <SoapySDR/Types.hpp> as mentioned below.
More details upon request.
On 2023-02-07 10:48, Ryan Volz wrote:
Hi all,
GNU Radio's cmake scripts do check for this situation (SoapySDR not
found, GR_ENABLE_SOAPY force-enabled) and it should error out when
`cmake` is run:
The full CMake output would be useful to figuring out why that didn't
happen. As far as I can tell, CMake should not "find" SoapySDR if its
headers are missing, but maybe that's where it is going wrong.
On 2/7/23 5:14 AM, Marcus Müller wrote:
Hi Ron, Hi Rick,
agreed, you probably need that development package. Problem: Without it,
the GNU Radio build infrastructure shouldn't even allow for enabling of
the SoapySDR components.
So, Rick, could you tell us which operating system/distro this is on,
and how you did that local installation of SoapySDR, precisely?
Best regards,
On 07.02.23 06:19, Ron Economos wrote:
You probably need the development package.
sudo apt-get install libsoapysdr-dev
On 2/6/23 18:37, aardric wrote:
I executed the following steps which I think are consistent with
documentation on the wiki.
(1) local installation of SoapySDR 0.7.2 appears to work.
(2) build and local install of gnuradio works as expected
(3) delete the gnuradio/build folder and run cmake with
-DENABLE_GR_SOAPY=ON configures without an obvious problem.
(4) however, make fails with:
include/gnuradio/soapy/soapy_types.h:15:10: fatal error:
SoapySDR/Types.hpp: No such file or directory
15 | #include <SoapySDR/Types.hpp>
I'm hoping to get advice on whether the above procedure was reasonable
before I (as a non developer) attempts to reverse engineer and
debug the
above process. I hesitate to raise an issue for something which may be
obvious or a problem with my particular installation.