
On 12/28/22 5:15 PM, Larry Doolittle wrote:
gnuradio gurus -

I just hit a problem with symptoms that precisely match

This is while attempting to build gr-osmosdr, basically the first
real step in the instructions at

I read Chris Gorman's patch, and it makes sense, but I couldn't find
a way to apply it to my situation.  I'm (attempting to) use gnuradio
as supplied in Debian testing (bookworm).  I couldn't find a CMakeLists.txt
file in that gnuradio install that mentions sndfile.

My closest hit was /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/cmake/gnuradio/FindSNDFILE.cmake
which I don't really understand.  I tried hacking on it anyway, but never
found a change that fixed my problem.

Any hints or ideas?  Am I stuck installing gnuradio from source?
Should I file a Debian bug report?

   - Larry

I know you've already solved your immediate problem, but I think this over-dependence on libsndfile should be fixed in after this PR:

OOT modules that don't themselves use libsndfile (probably all of them) will no longer need to install it to build against GR, and thus there would be no need to have Debian packages pull in libsndfile1-dev as a dependency.

See also the bug report for reference:


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