Hi Larry - try
apt install libsndfile1-dev
If it installs, blow away the build directory and try to build it again.
Since you installed gnuradio form Debian, you can always install
gr-osmosdr from Debian and it will match your gnuradio install.
And just to be clear, you need to install gnuradio before you install
-- Cinaed
On 12/28/22 14:15, Larry Doolittle wrote:
gnuradio gurus -
I just hit a problem with symptoms that precisely match
This is while attempting to build gr-osmosdr, basically the first
real step in the instructions at
I read Chris Gorman's patch, and it makes sense, but I couldn't find
a way to apply it to my situation. I'm (attempting to) use gnuradio
as supplied in Debian testing (bookworm). I couldn't find a CMakeLists.txt
file in that gnuradio install that mentions sndfile.
My closest hit was /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/cmake/gnuradio/FindSNDFILE.cmake
which I don't really understand. I tried hacking on it anyway, but never
found a change that fixed my problem.
Any hints or ideas? Am I stuck installing gnuradio from source?
Should I file a Debian bug report?
- Larry