On 19/12/2022 10:50, Juan Antonio wrote:
I think I'm not explaining myself well again.
What I want to see in the time domain is a single carrier of an 8mhz
signal. That's why I was referring to the zero-span function of
spectrum analyzers.
I have tried to isolate a single 1K carrier using filters but I did
not get good results. That is why I was looking for something simpler,
where simply indicating the frequency, I would have the output that
specific frequency in the time domain. Something like a very narrow
band raw iq(or magnitude) demodulator
Isolating a 1KHz-wide signal from an 8MHz bandwidth in a single step is
likely to create *enormous* filters. Do you really need
to bring in 8MHz of bandwidth?
If this were my problem, I'd use frequency-xlating-fft-filter to rotate
the center of the desired carrier down to baseband, and
then use a multi-stage filter-decimator chain to narrow the bandwidth.
I've said this in both this forum and others in the past. Gnu Radio *IS
NOT* a "radio with a lot of knobs to tweak", but a
domain-specific software-development environment. It's somewhat
rare in Gnu Radio for there to be a "button I can push to
make my answers come out". What this means is that in order to be
successful developing Gnu Radio flow-graphs
to accomplish some specific task, there's usually some amount of
background in signals, signal-processing, and software
development required.
Another things to consider is this: the field, loosely-described, as
"useful and interesting things one might do at the
intersection between radio and computers" is likely approaching
infinite. Which means that no finite effort could
ever possibly address each one of those useful and interesting
things--some coding may be required. This same observation
applies to the software universe in general, even ignoring SDR and
DSP and the like...