Hi all,

since Audacity is targeted at audio samples, it might be interesting to have a tool that is more targeted at IQ samples.

I've heard/read about quite a few people who use "inspectrum":
(I hope this is the correct repo.)

A somewhat older tool might be "baudline":
(I used it in the past but I'd probably switch to inspectrum nowadays).


On 25.08.22 20:33, Mike Markowski wrote:

I find an easy approach is to write the signal out as alternating i/q binary if it's not already.  That can be read into audacity as stereo (File -> Import -> Raw), edited and written back out as raw data without header (File -> Export -> Export Multiple, and choose Raw Headerless). Don't worry about audacity's sample rate because you're editing raw i/q anyway.  This allows editing down to the sample level.

Good luck!
Mike ab3ap

On 8/25/22 1:52 PM, James Wanga wrote:
I'm receiving a phase modulated signal representing a periodic pulsed byte that looks something like this:


I'm trying to understand how I might split this signal roughly halfway between each pulse of activity so I can save each pulse as a separate IQ fil, bit like this:




The split does not have to be precise, it only needs to avoid bisecting any of the pulses. Here are some things I've tried.- Creating a custom block on the receiver that uses a timing interval. Unfortunately, the pulses aren't perfectly periodic so eventually this causes the split to drift.[...]

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