I'll give this a try and report back. I was also thinking of inducing a
large burst on the transmit graph and listening in with a burst tagger on
the receive side.
James Wanga

On Thu, Aug 25, 2022 at 1:34 PM Brian Padalino <bpadal...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Thu, Aug 25, 2022 at 4:19 PM James Wanga <jwa...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Thanks Brian!
>> This is a clever solution. My signal is bursty even through the duration
>> of the pulse. Is the purpose of the second threshold circuit meant to
>> mitigate that by averaging over time?
> Yes, the second signal will rise slowly, and decay slowly (think like RC
> time constant) so if multiple back-to-back bursts come in, or there is a
> slight fade in the signal, the same burst is kept.  It should also give you
> a little extra "tail" so that you aren't cutting things off immediately.
> Also note the delay in the beginning that tries to center up the energy a
> little bit so you see some beginning noise levels.
> In the end, I get files that should look like what you have, though I did
> have to play with gains and threshold levels to make it reliable.
> Let me know if you have success with this.
> Thanks,
> Brian
>> On Thu, Aug 25, 2022 at 11:34 AM Brian Padalino <bpadal...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> On Thu, Aug 25, 2022 at 1:55 PM James Wanga <jwa...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> I'm receiving a phase modulated signal representing a periodic pulsed
>>>> byte that looks something like this:
>>>> -------------|-|||--||-------------|||--||||-------------|--||||-|-------------
>>>> I'm trying to understand how I might split this signal roughly halfway
>>>> between each pulse of activity so I can save each pulse as a separate IQ
>>>> fil, bit like this:
>>>> ------|-|||--||------
>>>> -------|||--||||-------
>>>> ------|--||||-|------
>>>> The split does not have to be precise, it only needs to avoid bisecting
>>>> any of the pulses. Here are some things I've tried.- Creating a custom
>>>> block on the receiver that uses a timing interval. Unfortunately, the
>>>> pulses aren't perfectly periodic so eventually this causes the split to
>>>> drift.
>>>> - Since I also control the transmitter, I tried sending an async pmt
>>>> message from the transmitter to the receiver, but again, since the message
>>>> is async the timing is too unpredictable to make an accurate enough cut.
>>>> - I was also wondering if there is any way to propagate a tag from a
>>>> transmitter to a receiver if both are in the same flow graph, but I
>>>> couldn't find any info on how to do this.
>>>> Any Ideas? Thanks!
>>> I was looking at a bursty signal in the ISM band that I wanted to save
>>> and came up with the attached flowgraph.  The key is the "Burst Tagger"
>>> block and the creation of the trigger utilizing the magnitude of the
>>> incoming signal.  I utilize two "Threshold" blocks - one on the magnitude
>>> itself which should rise pretty quickly, and one based on a filtered
>>> version of the magnitude which falls slower.  Both of those are OR'd
>>> together to create the trigger and saved with the "Tagged File Sink".
>>> GRC and PDF screen capture both attached.
>>> Hope this helps.
>>> Brian
>> --
>> James Wanga

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