Hi Fabien!

Sadly, as said, the AUX ADC and DAC are asynchronous, by design. You can't make them synchronous without developing a different streaming architecture for the N210; that would be a major change to the FPGA design, I'd presume, not just a little change :(

The thing I could imagine you could do is embed aux ADC bits in the least significant bits of your sample stream – but then you'd actively need to reduce the quality of that to get AUX data.

If you need your audio sampling to be synchronous to your RF sampling, I'd recommend using a clock that is synchronous to the 10 MHz clock of the USRP (e.g. by using the same 10 MHz reference for both the USRP and your audio equipment, or by taking a clock from the USRP) to achieve rate matching, and if you need not only rate, but also time-alignment, using timed commands and GPIOs to trigger sampling of the audio devices (if these support that), or to embed an impulse (couple a GPIO output with a small capacitor into the audio line) in the audio stream to align it in software.

Best regards,

DISCLAIMER: Any attached Code is provided As Is. It has not been tested or validated as a product, for use in a deployed application or system, or for use in hazardous environments. You assume all risks for use of the Code. Use of the Code is subject to terms of the licenses to the UHD or RFNoC code with which the Code is used. Standard licenses to UHD and RFNoC can be found at https://www.ettus.com/sdr-software/licenses/.

NI will only perform services based on its understanding and condition that the goods or services (i) are not for the use in the production or development of any item produced, purchased, or ordered by any entity with a footnote 1 designation in the license requirement column of Supplement No. 4 to Part 744, U.S. Export Administration Regulations and (ii) such a company is not a party to the transaction. If our understanding is incorrect, please notify us immediately because a specific authorization may be required from the U.S. Commerce Department before the transaction may proceed further.
On 05.03.22 21:32, Fabien PELLET wrote:
The problem is that the latency using a sound card is terrible, even using jackd. Using N210's sink ans source for audio purposes give very good latencies but it limites me to half-duplex.

This is for what I'm interested by using that ADC and DAC.

---- Marcus D. Leech a écrit ----

On 2022-03-05 14:16, Fabien PELLET wrote:
 > Hi Marcus,
 > Thanks for the detailed answer. I already know get_rx_dboard_iface
 > method as it is it that I use to access the IO of LFRX and LFTX.
 > The problem is that this is asynchrous. For my need, I would like to
 > feed it synchronously at a defined sample rate for audio purpose for
 > example.
 > Do you think if I write an OOT sink or source that use that method I
 > can get create something near synchronous ?
 > Best regards,
 > Fabien, F4CTZ
You'd have to look at the specs for the ADC/DAC.   Doing a synchronous
sampling *thing* would require that you create a stream using FPGA
logic.   Those
   AUX_ADC and AUX_DAC are intended for low-speed, query-driven usage,
like reading the RSSI value from a RF chain, or driving an attenuator for
   gain setting, rather than streaming.

For audio rates, you're probably better off just using a sound
card--they are available with sample rates up to 192ksps these days.

 > ---- Marcus Müller a écrit ----
 > Just realized that there *is* a C++ API:
 > usrp_block->get_device()->get_rx_dboard_iface()->read_aux_adc();
 > replace _rx_ with _tx_ for the LFTX, and read_aux_adc with
 > write_aux_dac for the DAC.
 > Best regards,
 > Marcus
 > DISCLAIMER: Any attached Code is provided As Is. It has not been
 > tested or validated as a product, for use in a deployed application or
 > system, or for use in hazardous environments. You assume all risks for
 > use of the Code. Use of the Code is subject to terms of the licenses
 > to the UHD or RFNoC code with which the Code is used. Standard
 > licenses to UHD and RFNoC can be found at
 > https://www.ettus.com/sdr-software/licenses 
 > NI will only perform services based on its understanding and condition
 > that the goods or services (i) are not for the use in the production
 > or development of any item produced, purchased, or ordered by any
 > entity with a footnote 1 designation in the license requirement column
 > of Supplement No. 4 to Part 744, U.S. Export Administration
 > Regulations and (ii) such a company is not a party to the
 > transaction.  If our understanding is incorrect, please notify us
 > immediately because a specific authorization may be required from the
 > U.S. Commerce Department before the transaction may proceed further.
 > On 05.03.22 13:31, Marcus Müller wrote:
 > > Hi Fabien,
 > >
 > > no need to modify the FPGA. The functionality is there – it's just
 > not exposed to the
 > > user. Also, note that interacting with the auxiliary ADC and DAC is
 > going to be
 > > asynchronous to the sample flow – there might be millions of samples
 > from the main ADC
 > > that have flown by before an AUX_DAC setting takes effect!
 > >
 > > You also don't really need to modify UHD – you *can* use the UHD
 > property tree (through
 > > uspr_block->get_device()->get_tree()->access() ), it's just not a
 > proper, stable,
 > > well-tested, failure-checking API.
 > >
 > > Best regards,
 > > Marcus
 > >
 > > On 04.03.22 15:01, Fabien PELLET wrote:
 > >> Yes, sorry indeed I was talking about AUX_DAC and AUX_ADC that are
 > replicated from the
 > >> motherboard.
 > >>
 > >> I already use IO which works very well. So there is no way to send
 > samples (or receive)
 > >> at a specific sample rate using that AUX_DAC or ADC. It is just
 > some "analog IOs" for
 > >> reading some external sensors for example if I understand well what
 > you wrote.
 > >>
 > >> What are the specifications of that AUX ?
 > >>
 > >> Using a specifique FPGA firmware and custom UHD library, would it
 > be possible to
 > >> transform them as GR source or sink ?
 > >>
 > >> Thanks,
 > >>
 > >> Best regards,
 > >>
 > >> Fabien, F4CTZ.
 > >>
 > >> Le 04/03/2022 à 14:35, Marcus Müller a écrit :
 > >>> Sorry, hit "send" accidentally:
 > >>>
 > >>> Dear Fabien,
 > >>>
 > >>> there's no ADC on these daughterboards. Just an EEPROM for
 > identification, opamps for
 > >>> amplification and signal conditioning, and on the LFTX a
 > switch-mode power supply.
 > >>> You're right, they do exppose the AUX DACs and ADC lines from the
 > motherboad.
 > >>>
 > >>> However, these are without further ado not accessible from UHD,
 > and thus also not from
 > >>> GNU Radio. Some daughterboard drivers use them.
 > >>>
 > >>> I'm not sure UHD exposes them in all version, but `uhd_usrp_probe
 > --tree` might show
 > >>> properties called "AUX_DAC_A" (or _B, or AUX_ADC_.., you get the
 > idea). You can use
 > >>> get_device() on your USRP blocks and access theses properties from
 > your GNU Radio
 > >>> program (from C++), but it's not really an API – more an exposing
 > of intestines...
 > >>>
 > >>> Best regards,
 > >>> Marcus
 > >>>
 > >>> On 04.03.22 14:30, Marcus Müller wrote:
 > >>>> Dear Fabien,
 > >>>>
 > >>>> there's no ADC on these daughterboards. Just an EEPROM for
 > identification, opamps for
 > >>>> amplification and signal conditioning, and on the LFTX a
 > switch-mode power supply.
 > >>>>
 > >>>> Best regards,
 > >>>> Marcus
 > >>>>
 > >>>> On 04.03.22 10:30, Fabien PELLET wrote:
 > >>>>> Hello,
 > >>>>>
 > >>>>> As there are IOs available on LFTX and LFRX, there are also ADC
 > and DAC available.
 > >>>>>
 > >>>>> Is there a way to use them as SOURCE and SINK in gnuradio for
 > low speed conversion ?
 > >>>>>
 > >>>>> Thanks,
 > >>>>>
 > >>>>> Best regards,
 > >>>>>
 > >>>>> Fabien, F4CTZ.
 > >>>>>
 > >>>>>
 > >>>
 > >>

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