Sorry, hit "send" accidentally:

Dear Fabien,

there's no ADC on these daughterboards. Just an EEPROM for identification, opamps for amplification and signal conditioning, and on the LFTX a switch-mode power supply. You're right, they do exppose the AUX DACs and ADC lines from the motherboad.

However, these are without further ado not accessible from UHD, and thus also not from GNU Radio. Some daughterboard drivers use them.

I'm not sure UHD exposes them in all version, but `uhd_usrp_probe --tree` might show properties called "AUX_DAC_A" (or _B, or AUX_ADC_.., you get the idea). You can use get_device() on your USRP blocks and access theses properties from your GNU Radio program (from C++), but it's not really an API – more an exposing of intestines...

Best regards,

On 04.03.22 14:30, Marcus Müller wrote:
Dear Fabien,

there's no ADC on these daughterboards. Just an EEPROM for identification, opamps for amplification and signal conditioning, and on the LFTX a switch-mode power supply.

Best regards,

On 04.03.22 10:30, Fabien PELLET wrote:

As there are IOs available on LFTX and LFRX, there are also ADC and DAC 

Is there a way to use them as SOURCE and SINK in gnuradio for low speed 
conversion ?


Best regards,

Fabien, F4CTZ.

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