Hi Milkos, Your problem seems related to [1]. Make sure your gnuradio version does include the fix from [2] and your OOT CMakeLists.txt contains [3]
[1] https://github.com/gnuradio/gnuradio/issues/4825 [2] https://github.com/gnuradio/gnuradio/pull/5279 [3] https://wiki.gnuradio.org/index.php/GNU_Radio_3.9_OOT_Module_Porting_Guide#CMakeLists.txt_changes_to_fix_OOT_module_testing Regards, Vasil On 02/03/2022 05.19, Miklos Maroti wrote: > Dear All, > > I have a GNURadio 3.10 OOT module which has C++ blocks and python QA code. > During my development I do the following steps: > > 1. make > 2. make test > 3. make install > 4. change c++ files > 5. make > 6. make test > > At the last step the python QA code will link the already installed python > library and not the latest one within the build folder. The QA code should > link the latest python and c++ libraries from the build directory, and > there should be no "smartness" (except ImportError) in the QA boilerplate > code. > > I have tried to trick python3 by changing the sys.path prior to the import > statement, but this fails. Somehow once you have imported gnuradio from the > stock include path, then changing the sys.path even to the empty list will > not prevent the loading of the installed OOT module. > > Has anyone seen this behaviour? Is there a workaround? > > Best, > Miklos >