Dear All,

I have a GNURadio 3.10 OOT module which has C++ blocks and python QA code.
During my development I do the following steps:

1. make
2. make test
3. make install
4. change c++ files
5. make
6. make test

At the last step the python QA code will link the already installed python
library and not the latest one within the build folder. The QA code should
link the latest python and c++ libraries from the build directory, and
there should be no "smartness" (except ImportError) in the QA boilerplate

I have tried to trick python3 by changing the sys.path prior to the import
statement, but this fails. Somehow once you have imported gnuradio from the
stock include path, then changing the sys.path even to the empty list will
not prevent the loading of the installed OOT module.

Has anyone seen this behaviour? Is there a workaround?


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