On 2022-02-02 03:23, Fabien PELLET wrote:

Here is the flowgraph. I see the spurs on an HP8563E with RBW at 30Hz and span at 200Khz. I remember that it could be related to my spectrum analyser : I will investigate in that direction before. But if someone could make the test, it could be interesting. I use a N210 with LFTX and LFRX.

-70dBc could be nothing for digital transmission but in analog use case, as near as it is from the signal, -70dBc is not so good. For station closed to that TX, it will be heard especially in HF usage.

Best regards,

Fabien, F4CTZ.
For comparison, a randomly-selected ICOM HF transceiver has a spurious specification of -50dBc, so -70dBc is 20dB better.  I think you'll need to implement
  analog filtering if -70dBc is a problem for you.

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