On 2022-01-18 11:15, Fabien PELLET wrote:
Sampling rate has no effect as well as the amplitude of the baseband.

Then it may just be non-ideality in the DAC.  At -70dBc, it's unlikely to be digital in nature.

Le 18/01/2022 à 16:45, Marcus D. Leech a écrit :
On 2022-01-18 10:01, Fabien PELLET wrote:

When I put a signal generator that produces a sinwave at 1Khz and that feeds an USRP Sink with a frequency center at 12MHz for example, I got spurs at +/-32Khz, +/-64KHz and +/-96KHz at the output of my N210 (used with LFTX and LFRX). Whatever the frequency center of the USRP and the frequency of the baseband signal, I have to spurs around -70dBc.

Any idea on where it could come from ? Hardware EMC problem ? Digital treatment issue ? How to solve it ?

Best regards,

Fabien, F4CTZ

What sample rate?  (Does that change things).   Also, if you reduce the baseband amplitude a bit, does that help?

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