It is indeed my belief that there is no point in running a graphical user
interface on an embedded system, much less a windowing system. If an embedded
board is supposed to interact with a user, a Qt5 or SDL dedicated interface
will be much lighter and efficient than a X-Window server and a window manager

This is the reason for providing the examples at the end of the tutorial
where a Non GUI flowgraph is generated, the resulting Python script sent to 
the embedded board and running there, possibly streaming the output (in my
example 0-MQ) to a client. In the case of gr-acars, I just fetch periodically
the log-file from the RPi4 to the host computer for analysis.

Nevertheless if you want to go in the windowing system direction, Buildroot
seems to provide Xorg support: 

make menuconfig
Target packages -> Graphic libraries and applications -> X Window System

I have never used nor tested, so I have no idea how much space/how long it takes
to compile.

There is no binary package management system with buildroot: the whole point, 
makes is different from OpenEmbedded/Yocto, is to generate a custom minimal
image with only the needed tools and not compile all possible binary packages
(the disk size difference being about 10-fold, with about 8 GB needed for
buildroot when my attempt at completing the OpenEmbedded system ended at about
80 GB and many unnecessary binary packages).

The default network configuration is to fetch the IP address from a DHCP server.
Otherwise add an etc/network/interfaces entry in the output/target directory
of buildroot with the static IP configuration, and
to re-generate sdcard.img including this configuration file. Similarly if the
usr/share/uhd/images binary files are needed: copy in output/target and make.


JM Friedt, FEMTO-ST Time & Frequency/SENSeOR, 26 rue de l'Epitaphe,
25000 Besancon, France

May 29, 2020 3:33 AM, "Glen Langston" <> wrote:

> Hi
> Thanks for your help.
> I’ve written the image to an SDCARD and the PI4 boots to
> the command line prompt. The password is accepted and
> I’ve looked around.
> Gnuradio seems to be installed, but not the xwindow system.
> How do you use gnuradio-companion etc?
> I could not find “xstartup” or some such program.
> Thanks
> Glen
>> On May 24, 2020, at 3:59 PM, wrote:
>> I have uploaded
>> my Buildroot image generated for RPi4 that I have been
>> using daily for the last 2 months, so pretty sure it is
>> working. Actually it is 1.1 GB because of lapack needed
>> for gnss-sdr but GNU Radio 3.8/Python3 will only require
>> about 500 MB.
>> Gwenhael Goavec-Merou ported all GNU Radio related software/libraries
>> to Buildroot: the missing parts for gnss-sdr are found at
>> in the for_next branch.
>> root passwd=root, no user account, USRP FPGA images to be added
>> in usr/share/uhd/images manually if libuhd is needed. Tested with
>> RTL-SDR DVB-T dongle, PlutoSDR (gr-iio) and B210.
>> JM
>> --
>> JM Friedt, FEMTO-ST Time & Frequency/SENSeOR, 26 rue de l'Epitaphe,
>> 25000 Besancon, France
>> May 24, 2020 9:51 PM, "Glen I Langston" <> wrote:
>>> Hello
>>> I’ve been a great proponent of gnuradio, but I’m finding in
>>> increasing difficult to do anything new, as installation of 3.8 is
>>> essentially impossible for most people.
>>> I’ve written and built my own python modules and C++ blocks.
>>> However, despite months of trying now, I can not get 3.8 to install
>>> on a raspberry pi.
>>> Has anyone achieved 3.8 on a raspberry pi?
>>> If so can you please save the entire OS, gzip compressed and put it
>>> online somewhere. It will probably be about 3 GB compressed.
>>> Thanks
>>> Glen
>>> Note that there are many many (too many) different guides on line
>>> 1) apt-get
>>> 2) pybombs
>>> 3) git clone then build
>>> each one fails in a different way.

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