Hello Barry,

i confirm that with that description on 
gnuradio was able to build following the instructions "From SOurce" in
about 100minutes on a rPI 4 (2GB).

I do not know, what was going wrong beginning of this year ...

During writing test are running. 130/243 passed.

My b200mini was runing with the newly build libuhd.

make install i will do later.


Am Mon, 25 May 2020 11:27:36 -0500
schrieb Barry Duggan <ba...@dcsmail.net>:

> Hi Glen,
> I have done several installs of GR 3.8 on my rPi 3B+. Here is the 
> procedure: 
> https://wiki.gnuradio.org/index.php/InstallingGRFromSource_on_Raspberry_Pi
> I don't have a rPi 4 yet, but am interested to know if that procedure 
> fails on it. I am using 2020-02-13-raspbian-buster-full. Do not skip
> any steps! It takes about 4 hours.
> Regards,

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