
On Fri, 2020-02-14 at 14:57 -0600, sampath ranga wrote:
> How are you? I am Ranganathan Sampathkumar, one of the research students who 
> gave request to you through Linkedin a few days ago.

I'd respectfully like to point out that as an author and maintainer of
open source software, it's often a very time-consuming task to read the
private messages asking for advice about one's projects. Knowing the
less-than-amusing messages that show up on the issues on Basti's
software projects, I think it what reaches him in private actually be a
really bad burden for him.

It's really much better that you wrote here to the mailing list; in
general, unless it's really something that *must* be done in privacy,
it's polite to use the public platforms of open source projects and
communities. Thanks for reaching out in this public way!

> 1. Is the implementation verification can only be done with TelosB mote with 
> contiki firmware? 

Haven't played with in a while, but gr-ieee802-15-4 is at least as far
as I know a standards-compliant implementation: If you configure it in
a standards-compliant way, it simply "speaks" zigbee. 

> Can we use other Zigbee hardware to sniff the message?


>  When i tried to do that i can transceive the message successfully in 
> Wireshark 

with what did you try? Notice that the Wireshark dissector might not
like the packet format of all capture devices.

>  2. Or if i do in reverse, say for example if i try to send a message
> from other Zigbee device to the GNU Radio that has transceiver code
> with .pcap file, I am seeing the "packets that has been sent from the
> transceiver in .pcap file at Wireshark  but the .pcap file doesnot
> have the message from the other hardware device".

There's different 802.15.4 PHYs, make sure you're using the same, and
appropriately configured, for your other device. There's more that can
go wrong here than can go right – employ your signal processing
knowledge and the Qt GUI sinks to inspect what you're receiving while
you are receiving it.

Best regards,

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