Throttle block is NEVER in use when USRP Sink is used.

On Wed, Aug 2, 2017 at 11:08 AM, Rui ZOU <>

> USRP sink
> On Wed, Aug 2, 2017 at 11:08 AM, Rui ZOU <>
> wrote:
>> My previous email shows the rate WITHOUT
>> On Wed, Aug 2, 2017 at 11:05 AM, Marcus Müller <> wrote:
>>> WAIT! Throttle? I didn't see that in either of the flow graphs you sent
>>> me first (twoparatx, onefile2tx)
>>> Seriously?! Your GRC will even print a warning that you mustn't use
>>> Throttle together with hardware if you have both Throttle and a USRP sink.
>>> Remove the Throttle, and try again.
>>> On 08/02/2017 05:00 PM, Rui ZOU wrote:
>>> Changed to null source, the rate is still around twice the sample rate
>>> (390.625k) for throttle block.
>>> ******* MESSAGE DEBUG PRINT ********
>>> (((rate_now . 781360) (rate_avg . 786529)))
>>> ************************************
>>> When the throttle block is bypassed, the rate jumps up to around
>>> 11.3MS/s.
>>> ******* MESSAGE DEBUG PRINT ********
>>> (((rate_now . 1.16071e+07) (rate_avg . 1.12848e+07)))
>>> ************************************
>>> The rate is similar to using file source, 0.78MS/s with throttle and
>>> 11.3MS/s when throttle bypassed.
>>> Rui
>>> On Wed, Aug 2, 2017 at 10:37 AM, Marcus Müller <> wrote:
>>>> Ok, there's something fishy here. That rate (without the USRP Sink) is
>>>> ridiculously low. Can you replace the file_source with a null_source? That
>>>> way, we can rule out storage as the bottleneck.
>>>> The probe_rate does nothing but just count how many items fly by, and
>>>> then send a message at its output port every update period. The
>>>> message_debug just prints messages.
>>>> If it's not storage: are you perhaps running in a powersaver mode? Even
>>>> so, the rate would be too low. I really don't know what's going wrong here.
>>>> Run your flow graph, run "top" in a terminal, check that the python process
>>>> and its spawned child threads really consume most of the CPU. If that's not
>>>> the case, you've got something else eating away on your CPU.
>>>> Best regards,
>>>> Marcus
>>>> On 08/02/2017 04:22 PM, Rui ZOU wrote:
>>>> Not sure if the debug setup is the expected since it's the first time I
>>>> use the 'Probe Rate' and 'Message Debug' blocks whose functions are not
>>>> very clear to me now just after reading the contents under the document
>>>> tag. If there are other ways to learn about new blocks, please advise.
>>>> The rates I get when the USRP Sink disabled is around 0.78MS/s I guess
>>>> from the debug output, shown below.
>>>> ******* MESSAGE DEBUG PRINT ********
>>>> (((rate_now . 782916) (rate_avg . 784937)))
>>>> ************************************
>>>> After enabling the USRP Sink, I got lots of 'L's and 2.4MS/s, shown
>>>> below.
>>>> (((rate_now . 2.36319e+06) (rate_avg . 2.36319e+06)))
>>>> ************************************
>>>> GRC and python files are attached.
>>>> Rui
>>>> On Wed, Aug 2, 2017 at 3:57 AM, Marcus Müller <> wrote:
>>>>> Huh, I really don't know what's happening there :/ I sadly don't have
>>>>> the USRP to test this live with me right now, but there's absolutely no
>>>>> timed commands involved¹
>>>>> So, trying to weed out bugs:
>>>>> * I've replaced the USRP sink with a "Probe Rate" block, connected to
>>>>> a "Message Debug"'s print port. I saw samples fly by with more than 7 
>>>>> MS/s,
>>>>> so there really shouldn't be a bottleneck here – can you try to do the 
>>>>> same
>>>>> and see whether your system can get similar rates? 7MS/s is still far too
>>>>> little for my taste, but that is FM-Modulation-limited²
>>>>> * Can you delete your subdev spec? in a 2-channel case, that should be
>>>>> the implicit one, anyways.
>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>> Marcus
>>>>> ¹ "timed commands" are a USRP feature that allows certain things to
>>>>> happen at well-defined times. You get an L when a timed command reaches 
>>>>> the
>>>>> USRP after the specified time has already passed. In your flow graph, all
>>>>> that could happen is that a sample packet reaches the USRP after it should
>>>>> – but that's unlikely, you'd get a "U" instead.
>>>>> ² at least on my machine, most of the time is spent in the FM
>>>>> modulator. Which is kind of annoying, because looking into that, what 
>>>>> costs
>>>>> most time is the "keeping the phase within 0;2pi" floating point modulo
>>>>> operation. I might get the urge to fix that.
>>>>> On 08/01/2017 08:31 PM, Rui ZOU wrote:
>>>>> Hi Marcus,
>>>>> I have fixed the two parallel SISO by removing packeting encoding,
>>>>> using QT GUI instead of WX. But the 'L' indicator still comes on, even
>>>>> sooner than previous version. The GRC and generated python files are
>>>>> attached.
>>>>> Rui
>>>>> On Tue, Aug 1, 2017 at 12:04 PM, Marcus Müller <>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Ah, cool, but then I wouldn't start by packetizing data.
>>>>>> Simply send your file GMSK-Modulated; drop the packet encoding; think
>>>>>> about it: the MIMO coding (usually) happens *after* the data has been
>>>>>> formed to logical data units.
>>>>>> A few notes on your flowgraphs: Don't use the WX GUI elements in new
>>>>>> flowgraphs. We have deprecated them, since no-one can maintain them, and
>>>>>> the Qt GUI sinks have shown to be both more stable and efficient. As far 
>>>>>> as
>>>>>> I can foresee your application's needs, Qt has replacements for all the 
>>>>>> WX
>>>>>> visualizations you'd need.
>>>>>> For the receiver, I'd guess you'd first simply start by just
>>>>>> recording from to channels, and then experimenting with things like
>>>>>> cross-correlation, and estimating the channel matrix based on your known
>>>>>> transmit signal. I wouldn't be surprised if the channel is rather boring 
>>>>>> in
>>>>>> your setup – I blindly assume you're doing this indoors, and that limits
>>>>>> the path difference and the amount of change (and hence, the delay spread
>>>>>> and the doppler spread) your signals are subject to, especially since 
>>>>>> your
>>>>>> bandwidth is so low. Of course, having a flat channel is nice :) but it
>>>>>> also means that it might be quite hard to get any actual MIMO gain, 
>>>>>> because
>>>>>> the two RX antennas might be very correlated. If in doubt, increase
>>>>>> bandwidth. Be agressive with roll-off / Bandwidth factors of your GMSK.
>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>> Marcus
>>>>>> On 08/01/2017 05:51 PM, Rui ZOU wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Marcus,
>>>>>> My goal is to first build a 2-by-2 space multiplexing MIMO using two
>>>>>> X310s and GNU Radio. As I'm new to all this stuff, I'm starting from
>>>>>> building 2 parallel SISOs. If there are some good kick-start materials or
>>>>>> any resources, they will be very valuable. Thanks.
>>>>>> Rui
>>>>>> On Tue, Aug 1, 2017 at 11:37 AM, Marcus Müller <>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi Rui,
>>>>>>> sorry, I might simply have missed those, and didn't find your first
>>>>>>> email when I saw your recent one! I apologize.
>>>>>>> So, hm, interestingly, we have a severe bug in the packet_encoder
>>>>>>> block (its design is pretty bad, and that triggers an unexpected 
>>>>>>> behaviour
>>>>>>> underneath). That might mean the packet_encoder is just consuming items 
>>>>>>> as
>>>>>>> fast as it can, without actually producing packets. In other words,
>>>>>>> packet_encoder is broken; you can't use it right now.
>>>>>>> The more appropriate way of dealing with data might be in the
>>>>>>> example flowgraphs that you'd find under /usr/[local/]share/doc/gnuradi
>>>>>>> o/examples/digital/packet_loopback_hier.grc ; it's a lot more
>>>>>>> complicated, though, and you'd have to write a message / PDU source that
>>>>>>> gives you the data you want to transmit, rather than the Random PDU 
>>>>>>> block!
>>>>>>> I don't really know if that is the way to go. What is it, that you
>>>>>>> want to build? Maybe the mailing list can advise?
>>>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>>>> Marcus
>>>>>>> On 08/01/2017 05:26 PM, Rui ZOU wrote:
>>>>>>> Here are the two flowgraphs I have used. I have tried to attach the
>>>>>>> two files in my first email. Probably failed in doing that. If still not
>>>>>>> seen, please let me know so I will try again. Thanks for your help.
>>>>>>> Running the first flow graph will cause GRC stop responding
>>>>>>> instantly, while the second one can run for a little while and produce 
>>>>>>> lots
>>>>>>> of 'L' before going not responsive.
>>>>>>> Rui
>>>>>>> On Tue, Aug 1, 2017 at 11:09 AM, Marcus Müller <>
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi Rui,
>>>>>>>> don't know, to me, it looks like replying didn't work out great,
>>>>>>>> since my mail client showed your mail in a new thread. Really, 
>>>>>>>> replying to
>>>>>>>> a mailing list mail should be nothing more than hitting the "reply" or
>>>>>>>> "reply all" button.
>>>>>>>> Anyway, even the slowest PC/laptop/Raspberry Pi/… I could think of
>>>>>>>> would be able to deal with these rates, so there's very, very likely
>>>>>>>> something wrong with the GNU Radio flowgraph you're using. Maybe you'd 
>>>>>>>> want
>>>>>>>> to share that!
>>>>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>>>>> Marcus
>>>>>>>> On 08/01/2017 04:59 PM, Rui ZOU wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi Marcus,
>>>>>>>> Sorry for leaving the title empty, that's the first time to post to
>>>>>>>> a mailing list. This is also the first time to reply, no sure if I 
>>>>>>>> replied
>>>>>>>> correctly.
>>>>>>>> I use 390.625k as the sampling rate because this is the lowest I
>>>>>>>> can get using the Ettus X310 without giving me a warning saying that 
>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>> sampling rate cannot be provided by the hardware. The application is 
>>>>>>>> just
>>>>>>>> transmitting a file using GMSK modulation on the two daughter boards of
>>>>>>>> X310.
>>>>>>>> Rui
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