Hi Ali,

So, you want one block with:

 * 8 inputs, itemsize0…7 = 1000*4B = 4000B
 * 4 outputs, itemsize0=itemsize1=4000B, itemsize2=itemsize3=16B


You need to generate two std::vector<int> with content




respectively, and use gr::io_signature::makev(int min_streams, int max_streams, vector) to generate the io_signatures[1] that you use in your block's constructor. The question whether your block should be a general, or a sync block, is independent from the item sizes of the in and outputs, but depends on whether there's always a fixed ratio of produced output items to consumed input items, as explained in [2].

Best regards,


[1] https://gnuradio.org/doc/doxygen/classgr_1_1io__signature.html#a99e0f9e8de8e7ce16ed92d9f2655e66c [2] https://wiki.gnuradio.org/index.php/Guided_Tutorial_GNU_Radio_in_C%2B%2B#4.3.2_Specific_block_categories

On 07/17/2017 03:31 PM, Ali wrote:
Hi to all,

I want to design my own OOT module with the following I/O:

8 inputs (length of 1000 and each element is type of float)
2 outputs (length of 1000 and each element is type of float)
2 outputs (length of 4 and each element is type of float)

I used general type block but I could not get the desired outputs. Do you suggest other type of blocks? Is there any example similar to this work that I can study on? Can you suggest a module name or a link?


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