Hi all,

We're trying to implement a fast sweep over a range of frequencies on the E310. 
Currently, I have a Python block that takes in a stream from the USRP Source, 
counts up the number of samples, and after receiving n samples, issues a stream 
command to the USRP Source to receive n more samples. There is currently a 
delay (of a few ms) between when the stream command is issued and when the work 
function of my custom block is called, and we are trying to find ways to 
shorten this delay. We can't use timed commands because they are not supported 
in the E310 and it doesn't look like you can queue up a series of stream 
commands either. We also can't use a custom C++ block because of the issues 
discussed previously in this email thread.

Does anyone have ideas on what to try? Or, could you point me to the relevant 
UHD code, as it is a bit confusing to follow? Also, are there any plans to add 
support for timed commands in the E310 or for a queue of stream commands?

Thank you,

From: Discuss-gnuradio 
[mailto:discuss-gnuradio-bounces+jessica.iwamoto=aero....@gnu.org] On Behalf Of 
Marcus Müller
Sent: Wednesday, May 24, 2017 12:26 PM
To: discuss-gnuradio@gnu.org; Philip Balister <phi...@opensdr.com>
Subject: Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Custom C++ blocks on E310

Hi Jessica,

that's really interesting!

It means that the problem only happens when you use your compiler to build your 
C++ blocks, but not when only using the GNU Radio that's already part of your 
image. Not quite sure what that entails; maybe it means that openembedded 
builds broken SDKs... That shouldn't happen. The other thing I could think of 
would be a slight misconfiguration of the compiler (or the linker). Maybe 
Philip has an idea!

Best regards,


On 24.05.2017 20:51, Jessica Iwamoto wrote:
Hi all,

I never found the solution to this problem, but I ended up using a work around 
by writing my custom blocks in Python instead of C++.


From: Discuss-gnuradio 
[mailto:discuss-gnuradio-bounces+jessica.iwamoto=aero....@gnu.org] On Behalf Of 
Jessica Iwamoto
Sent: Monday, May 15, 2017 8:38 AM
To: Ben Hilburn <bhilb...@gnuradio.org><mailto:bhilb...@gnuradio.org>
Cc: discuss-gnuradio@gnu.org<mailto:discuss-gnuradio@gnu.org>
Subject: [WARNING: SPOOFED E-MAIL--Non-Aerospace Sender] Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] 
Custom C++ blocks on E310

Hi Ben,

Here is some of the backtrace from the error. At the top level, the error 
starts in the msg_connect function and it looks like it gets tripped up reading 
something from memory when checking for a valid message port.

#0  0xb635c67c in fetch_add (order=boost::memory_order_relaxed, v=1,
    storage=@0x6: <error reading variable>)
    at /home /prefix 
#1  fetch_add (order=boost::memory_order_relaxed, v=1, this=0x6)
    at /home /prefix 
#2  pmt::intrusive_ptr_add_ref (p=0x2)
    at /home /prefix /src/gnuradio/gnuradio-runtime/lib/pmt/pmt.cc:69
#3  0xb63e56e4 in intrusive_ptr (rhs=..., this=0xbeffec7c)
    at /home /prefix 
#4  gr::flowgraph::check_valid_port (this=this@entry=0x10c578, e=...)
    at /home /prefix /src/gnuradio/gnuradio-runtime/lib/flowgraph.cc:162
#5  0xb63e95d0 in gr::flowgraph::connect (this=this@entry=0x10c578, src=...,
    at /home /prefix /src/gnuradio/gnuradio-runtime/lib/flowgraph.cc:503
#6  0xb63f4c84 in gr::hier_block2_detail::msg_connect (
    this=this@entry=0x10c528, src=..., srcport=..., dst=..., dstport=...)
    at /home /prefix 
#7  0xb63f1b14 in gr::hier_block2::msg_connect (this=this@entry=0x0, src=...,
    srcport=..., dst=..., dstport=...)
    at /home /prefix /src/gnuradio/gnuradio-runtime/lib/hier_block2.cc:104
#8  0xb5cd6958 in _wrap_top_block_sptr_primitive_msg_connect__SWIG_1 (
    args=<optimized out>)
    at /home 


From: Ben Hilburn [mailto:bhilb...@gnuradio.org]
Sent: Friday, May 12, 2017 1:35 PM
To: Jessica Iwamoto <jessica.iwam...@aero.org<mailto:jessica.iwam...@aero.org>>
Cc: discuss-gnuradio@gnu.org<mailto:discuss-gnuradio@gnu.org>
Subject: Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Custom C++ blocks on E310

Hey Jessica -

The SIGBUS you are receiving indicates that there is likely some funniness 
happening with memory addressing / access somewhere. Especially since your test 
flowgraph is so simple, using GDB to get a backtrace might point you to the 
offending code pretty quickly. For more details on how to do this, check out 
this page on our Wiki: 

Have you tried this already? If so, can you share the backtrace?


On Thu, May 11, 2017 at 6:15 PM, Jessica Iwamoto 
<jessica.iwam...@aero.org<mailto:jessica.iwam...@aero.org>> wrote:
Hi again,

Attached is the code that I'm using if anyone would like to try to replicate my 
issue. The test_msg_py.py file contains the custom python block code for a 
simple message sink. The test_msg_impl.cc, test_msg_impl.h, and test_msg.h 
files contain the custom C++ code for a message sink. The test.py file contains 
a simple flowgraph that connects a message strobe to my custom message sink 
blocks. When I run test.py with either of the blocks on my desktop, it works 
correctly. However, when I run test.py after cross compiling on the E310, it 
works correctly with the test_msg_py block and produces the following error 
with the test_msg block:
Could not find port: in in:
Bus error


From: Discuss-gnuradio 
 On Behalf Of Jessica Iwamoto
Sent: Wednesday, May 10, 2017 9:53 AM
To: discuss-gnuradio@gnu.org<mailto:discuss-gnuradio@gnu.org>
Subject: [Discuss-gnuradio] Custom C++ blocks on E310

Hi all,

I have built custom C++ blocks that work on my PC, but don't work when cross 
compiled for the E310. Specifically, I am trying to build a custom C++ block 
with a message port and cross compile it for the E310. I am using version 
3.7.12 of GNU radio and the latest version of the SDK/toolchain for the E310. I 
have built a simple message sink block with just a message input port and put 
it in a flowgraph with a message strobe. My code runs correctly on my PC but 
when I run it on the E310, I get the error:
Could not find port: msg in:
Bus error

I am able to create custom python blocks with message ports and run them on the 
E310 and my PC with no issues. Additionally, I am unable to create custom C++ 
blocks with normal input and output streams on the E310 (the program seg faults 
when I try to connect the custom block to another block), but they run 
correctly on my PC. Any suggestions on what could be causing this?


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