Hi again,

Attached is the code that I'm using if anyone would like to try to replicate my 
issue. The test_msg_py.py file contains the custom python block code for a 
simple message sink. The test_msg_impl.cc, test_msg_impl.h, and test_msg.h 
files contain the custom C++ code for a message sink. The test.py file contains 
a simple flowgraph that connects a message strobe to my custom message sink 
blocks. When I run test.py with either of the blocks on my desktop, it works 
correctly. However, when I run test.py after cross compiling on the E310, it 
works correctly with the test_msg_py block and produces the following error 
with the test_msg block:
Could not find port: in in:
Bus error


From: Discuss-gnuradio 
[mailto:discuss-gnuradio-bounces+jessica.iwamoto=aero....@gnu.org] On Behalf Of 
Jessica Iwamoto
Sent: Wednesday, May 10, 2017 9:53 AM
To: discuss-gnuradio@gnu.org
Subject: [Discuss-gnuradio] Custom C++ blocks on E310

Hi all,

I have built custom C++ blocks that work on my PC, but don't work when cross 
compiled for the E310. Specifically, I am trying to build a custom C++ block 
with a message port and cross compile it for the E310. I am using version 
3.7.12 of GNU radio and the latest version of the SDK/toolchain for the E310. I 
have built a simple message sink block with just a message input port and put 
it in a flowgraph with a message strobe. My code runs correctly on my PC but 
when I run it on the E310, I get the error:
Could not find port: msg in:
Bus error

I am able to create custom python blocks with message ports and run them on the 
E310 and my PC with no issues. Additionally, I am unable to create custom C++ 
blocks with normal input and output streams on the E310 (the program seg faults 
when I try to connect the custom block to another block), but they run 
correctly on my PC. Any suggestions on what could be causing this?



#include <custommod/api.h>
#include <gnuradio/block.h>

namespace gr {
  namespace custommod {

     * \brief <+description of block+>
     * \ingroup custommod
    class CUSTOMMOD_API test_msg : virtual public gr::block
      typedef boost::shared_ptr<test_msg> sptr;

       * \brief Return a shared_ptr to a new instance of custommod::test_msg.
       * To avoid accidental use of raw pointers, custommod::test_msg's
       * constructor is in a private implementation
       * class. custommod::test_msg::make is the public interface for
       * creating new instances.
      static sptr make();

  } // namespace custommod
} // namespace gr

#include <pmt/pmt.h>
#include <custommod/test_msg.h>

namespace gr {
  namespace custommod {

    class test_msg_impl : public test_msg
      // Nothing to declare in this block.


      void msg_handler_method(pmt::pmt_t msg);


  } // namespace custommod
} // namespace gr


Attachment: test.py
Description: test.py

Attachment: test_msg_impl.cc
Description: test_msg_impl.cc

Attachment: test_msg_py.py
Description: test_msg_py.py

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