We are excited to be including our first ever GNU Radio Conference
Technical Proceedings this year at GRCon16!

Proceedings provide a great format in which talks and ideas can be
documented and explained in great detail, easily found, referenced and
built upon by attendees and non-attendees in the future! 

So far we have had a very positive reception to this addition to GRCon,
and have received a number of excellent submissions. 

However, due to the extension of the talk abstract submission deadline,
generally busy summertime happenings, and the hope to give more people
time to participate, *we are extending the draft paper submission date
to July 18, 2016*.

We hope that everyone planning to give a talk at GRCon this year will
*strongly consider submitting a technical article* to accompany their
talk as well and to help leave a more lasting impact on the community!

As a reminder, information for authors along with our template can be
found at http://gnuradio.org/grcon-2016/call-for-submissions/

Tim O'Shea
Chair, GRCon16 Technical Proceedings

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