I have been making lots of OOT modules for various purposes and have run
into the same issue several times.  I'll build a C++ module, compile it
with 'cmake ..' 'make' 'make install' and 'ldconfig'.  After all that I
import the module to Python (ipython shell) and find that the module (top
level module) is completely empty.  During the CMake process there were no
indications that there was an issue, and the C++ code compiled without
issue.  Somewhere in the SWIG process something crapped out.  It's always
something that's not quite 100% right in my C++ code, but it's seriously
painful to debug as I have to resort to commenting code out and trying
again over and over.  Is there a way to have SWIG tell you that something
is messed up instead of pretending all is well?

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