Hi Yan,

With the same antenna: That is going to be impossible, because you can't
TX and RX on the same port with a USRP.
Also, the TX would be extremely loud and possibly even damage RX.

Calibration: Measure a known loopback channel (ie. a cable with an
attenuator that you've measured with a Network Analyzer), and calibrate
that way, or estimate loopback from your observation.

Best regards,

On 15.12.2015 18:28, Yan Huang wrote:
> Hi Marcus,
> I want to analyse the wireless network in single channel with the same 
> antenna.
> And how can I calibrate the random phase offset with B210?
> Thanks,
> Yan
> -----Original Message-----
> From: discuss-gnuradio-bounces+eexyh22=nottingham.ac...@gnu.org 
> [mailto:discuss-gnuradio-bounces+eexyh22=nottingham.ac...@gnu.org] On Behalf 
> Of Marcus Müller
> Sent: 15 December 2015 16:53
> To: discuss-gnuradio@gnu.org
> Subject: Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] using USRP to get scattering parameters
> Hi Yan,
> that is an extremely broad question; what kind of network analyzer do you 
> have in mind?
> Notice that you will have to calibrate the B210 random TX/RX phase offset 
> after every tune.
> Best regards,
> Marcus
> On 15.12.2015 17:31, Yan Huang wrote:
>> I have tried to use USRP B210 and GNUradio to send and receive signal, and 
>> now I want to get the network's scattering parameters. But I don't know how 
>> to get them using the software.
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