what's the sampling rate you're using?

Best regards,

On 26.10.2015 18:38, Washbourne, Logan wrote:
> Hello all,
> I'm trying to take a step back from my previous postings and try a
> simple approach to try and understand working with over the air
> communications with the USRPs. Let me know if it would be better to
> post this in the USRPs-Users list.
> I'm trying to have a simple TX and simple RX side so I can eliminate
> and unnecessary complications.
> The TX side has the following flowgraph: Vector
> Source(preamble+data)->DPSK Mod(DBPSK,2samples/symbol)-> Multiply
> Const(.707) -> UHD:USRP SINK(2.448GHz center freq, 10dB default gain)
> RX Side: UHD:USRP Source(2.448GHz center freq, 10dB gain default) ->
> DPSK DEMOD(DBPSK, 2 samples/ symbol, rest default values) - > file sink
> I'm checking the progress of the communication by looking at a
> constellation plot that is connected directly to the USRP SOURCE block
> on the receiver side. I'm getting a very elliptical shape, more spread
> out in the horizontal direction but not by much. I'm also looking at
> the bits from the receiver side in matlab and my preamble is not
> showing up.
> These were the same problems I had when trying to use a correlated
> system for OTA communications. I feel like I'm missing something
> really simple.
> Does anyone know of a simple TX, RX grc setup that I can use to test
> my USRPs?
> Again, I really appreciate the help you guys give.
> Logan Washbourne
> Electrical Engineering Graduate Student
> (Electromagnetics)
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