
I’m using GNURadio 3.7.8 installed from MacPorts on a MacBook Air.

I have tried to create a custom module on my MacBook Air using gr_modtool.
I was able to write, compile and build the code.
After this I edited the XML file for accessing on gnuradio-companion.

But the block didn’t show up on gnuradio-companion.

so I have set the following in .bash_profile

export GRC_BLOCKS_PATH=“<required folder>”

and I was able to see the newly generated block.

But when I run the flowgraph I get the following error.

ImportError: No module named <module name>

In linux there is sudo ldconfig command, but the command doesn’t exist on

So after
"sudo make install"
Is there anything else to do for mac?

Vamsi and Rich
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