Hello Marcus

Thank you for your response

Before, I was setting the set_output_multiple at the constructor in the .cc
file and i was getting the error I said before 
Then, I set it in the .h file and I had no error.

Is it correct to set it in the .h file? Here are both the .cc and the . h

In the .cc file, the set_output_multiple is commented.


Also, I set:   int n;
      ninput_items_required[0] = noutput_items - n;
at the forecast method. I did this for the reason i explained before; If i
have for example 16 items at the in put, i need to have 16 + n items at the
output. Is this configured right?

Another question: This is about the ninput_items.  How should I set it for
my requirements? I suppose this ninput_items should depend of "tamano",
which is the size of the input stream.
Should I use ninput_items instead of tamano in the code? And if this right,
should I set set_output_multiple(int ninput_items + n) instead of
set_output_multiple(int tamano + n)?

PD: In the .cc file you can take a look at the c++ code for the chaotic
coding if you like. And if you are interested, i can send you the c++ code
that gives those values of "zmean3", "zmean6", "secuencias3" and
"secuencias6" and the paper where the theory of this coding method is

Thank you very much.


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