
I'm trying to create a block whose number of outputs is the number of
inputs, which i'm setting as a parameter of the block(named tamano),+ n,
being n a parameter of the block too.
For example, if i use a vector sources block of size 16 as the input of my
block, and n = 3, the output should be of size 19.
According to what i have read, i should use the set_output_multiple() to
achieve this.

Problem 1:
But i don't know what is the correct way to do this, or where to set it.
I was doing it by writing: set_output_multiple(int tamano + n) at the
constructor, but i'm having an error: error: expected primary-expression
before ‘int’.

Problem 2:
I am trying to create this block with a c++ code and i don't know how to use
SWIG, i don't know if i should convert the c++ code into a python code using
SWIG and then copy it into the .cpp file generated, or if i copy the c++
code into it and then SWIG converts it to a python code using some commands
in the terminal.

Could the problem 1 has something to do with the fact that I am trying to
create this block with a c++ code?

Thank you very much.


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