Ok, makes sense. Thanks for the feedback

From: trond...@trondeau.com [mailto:trond...@trondeau.com] On Behalf Of Tom 
Sent: Monday, May 11, 2015 6:35 PM
To: Richard Bell
Cc: Merz Ruben, INI-INO-ECO-MXT; GNURadio Discussion List
Subject: Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Question on control-loop block design

On Mon, May 11, 2015 at 12:00 PM, Richard Bell 
<richard.be...@gmail.com<mailto:richard.be...@gmail.com>> wrote:
From what I remember, there shouldn't be a functional difference. The 
difference is the amount of feedback delay in the loop. You always need to make 
sure one delay exists in any feedback path you can take, to avoid race 
conditions. After that, you want to minimize the loop delay. The one 
accumulator with delay in the feedback path ensures stability. The other 
accumulator keeps the delay out of the feedback path because it minimizes the 
loop latency.

Hope that helps.


Sent from my iPhone

Yep, thanks, Richard!


On May 11, 2015, at 8:42 AM, Tom Rondeau 
<t...@trondeau.com<mailto:t...@trondeau.com>> wrote:
On Tue, Apr 28, 2015 at 8:50 AM, 
<ruben.m...@swisscom.com<mailto:ruben.m...@swisscom.com>> wrote:

I've been looking into the design details of the control-loop block. I stumbled 
upon the blog post of Tom 
(http://www.trondeau.com/blog/2011/8/13/control-loop-gain-values.html with the 
 and also this article from TI: http://www.ti.com/lit/an/slyt169/slyt169.pdf.

Now looking at the schematics of the control loop in Tom's post and the TI 
article (figure 5), you notice a slight difference after the loop filter. In 
the TI article, there is delay (z^-1) followed by an accumulator. In the 
schematics of Tom's post, the delay block is directly integrated in the loop. 
Can somebody comment on these differences?


Hi Ruben,

This is a good question, and I don't want to let it drop. I just don't have a 
good answer for your right now. If I can find the time, I'll try to go through 
things more carefully to understand why there is the added delay. Just keeping 
the thread alive in case someone else can jump in and answer it.


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