On Wed, Feb 11, 2015 at 3:16 PM, Fraida Fund <ff...@nyu.edu> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I was a participant in the DARPA Spectrum Challenge last year.  Inspired
> by the Challenge, I developed a new course in which students learned about
> wireless communications and software radio in the context of a Spectrum
> Challenge-like competition. It was offered for the first time in Fall 2014
> at the University of Thessaly, Greece, to a group of about 20 undergraduate
> and masters students in the Department of Electrical and Computer
> Engineering. Since the course may be of interest to some in this group, I
> am sharing more information about it here.
> The infrastructure for the course (lab materials, software radios, compute
> devices, software and other utilities) were hosted by WITest
> <http://witestlab.poly.edu/site/index.php>, the GENI wireless testbed at
> the NYU Polytechnic School of Engineering.
> In the first half of the course, students studied wireless communication
> and software radio basics through lectures and guided lab exercises. On
> their midterm exam, 50% of the points were earned by answering questions
> from this mailing list
> <http://witestlab.poly.edu/respond/sites/hy448fall2014/files/hy448-midterm-exam.pdf>
> :)
> In the second half of the course, students (in teams) developed software
> radios and competed against one another in a format similar to the Spectrum
> Challenge. Students also presented their designs in a poster session
> attended by other faculty in the department. Two prizes were awarded: one
> for "the best innovative idea" from among the designs implemented for the
> competition (selected by the faculty committee), and one for the team that
> won the tournament.
> The results (tournament visualizations, student posters, photos) are
> available on this page
> <http://witestlab.poly.edu/respond/sites/hy448fall2014/page/hy448-design-challenge>
> for interested readers.
> I'd be happy to answer any questions about this course.
> Best,
> Fraida Fund
> Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
> NYU Polytechnic School of Engineering
Great stuff, thanks for sharing!

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