
this is very, very cool! As a former university guy myself, I very much
enjoy people getting creative and thinking outside of the "industry
standard software" box.

Any chance you can have the students directly answer these questions on
the mailing list, and in time? :D

Another suggestion for something that you and other department folk
could do to get more exposure is to set up a github organization
account. At CEL, we used that to publish our own free software projects
and encouraged students to contribute -- I dare say we have helped the
one or the other student with their job applications by providing a
publically visible platform on which their work can be found.


On 02/11/2015 09:16 PM, Fraida Fund wrote:
> Hi all,
> I was a participant in the DARPA Spectrum Challenge last year.  Inspired
> by the Challenge, I developed a new course in which students learned
> about wireless communications and software radio in the context of a
> Spectrum Challenge-like competition. It was offered for the first time
> in Fall 2014 at the University of Thessaly, Greece, to a group of about
> 20 undergraduate and masters students in the Department of Electrical
> and Computer Engineering. Since the course may be of interest to some in
> this group, I am sharing more information about it here.
> The infrastructure for the course (lab materials, software radios,
> compute devices, software and other utilities) were hosted by WITest
> <>, the GENI wireless testbed at
> the NYU Polytechnic School of Engineering.
> In the first half of the course, students studied wireless communication
> and software radio basics through lectures and guided lab exercises. On
> their midterm exam, 50% of the points were earned by answering questions
> from this mailing list
> <>
> :) 
> In the second half of the course, students (in teams) developed software
> radios and competed against one another in a format similar to the
> Spectrum Challenge. Students also presented their designs in a poster
> session attended by other faculty in the department. Two prizes were
> awarded: one for "the best innovative idea" from among the designs
> implemented for the competition (selected by the faculty committee), and
> one for the team that won the tournament.
> The results (tournament visualizations, student posters, photos) are
> available on this page
> <>
> for interested readers.
> I'd be happy to answer any questions about this course.
> Best,
> Fraida Fund
> Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
> NYU Polytechnic School of Engineering
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