On Mon, Dec 1, 2014 at 5:34 PM, Paul Creaser <drpaulcrea...@gmail.com>

> I've used both the Fractional Resampler and the Rational Resampler so far
> with reasonable results. At this stage in the case of the Rational
> Resampler, I simply use the Interpolation setting and decimation setting to
> form a ratio (taps:None, Fractional BW:0), which then generates the
> required
> output sample rate.
> One interesting point. When for example resampling from 30.72MHz to
> 30.72002MHz, I had a look at the FFTs using the QT Gui Frequency Sink. One
> thing that struck me was, the rational resampler was acting as a low pass
> filter. At both ends of the spectrum I could see a roll off.
> I am also looking at trying the Polyphase resampler. Well actually I have
> tried it, just I haven't figured out, how to choose the parameters yet!

Yes, all of the resamplers are filters. You need to filter whenever you
resample a signal. The rational resampler and PFB resampler both try and
find a good default filter such that the signal in the original passband is
not distorted but and aliasing or images are properly attenuated. However,
Bug #745 on our issue tracker suggests that the default RR taps are not
correct. I'm planning on looking into that this week.

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