On Mon, Dec 1, 2014 at 3:01 AM, Tom Tsou <t...@tsou.cc> wrote:

> Hi Paul,
> On Sun, Nov 30, 2014 at 6:52 PM, Paul Creaser <drpaulcrea...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > I'm currently using the Rational Resampler in GUNURADIO to resample LTE
> > data, for example from 30.72MHz to 15.36MHz and 50MHz to 15.36MHz. I`m
> able
> > to decode the data, so every thing seems to be well.
> >
> > I chose the Rational Resampler, simply because it is easy to use.
> However I
> > noticed, GNURADIO has a number of resample modules, Fractional Resampler,
> > Polyphase Arbitrary Resampler etc... I'm guessing each resampler has it`s
> > strengths and weaknesses. Perhaps one is better for audio, another is
> better
> > for LTE data etc..
> In your specific use case, rational/fractional and arbitrary
> resamplers are mathematically equivalent since the 'arbitrary' portion
> doesn't apply. For example, rather than rational 2-to-1 downsampling
> in your example, an arbitrary rate conversion would handle something
> like 2-to-Pi. A more realistic use case for arbitrary resampling is
> symbol timing loops where the output sample rate is not fixed, but
> continuously drifting over time.
> That said, despite similarities in math, there may be implementation
> differences between the blocks that you mention. So one or another
> might be newer, better optimized, or just easier to use. Tom Rondeau
> can more easily explain those differences if they exist.
>   -TT

I have very little to add to what Tom and Dan have already said. I tend to
use the PFB arbitrary resampler myself because it's so easy to just plug in
a number and go. A couple of things on the computational power, though:

1. The rational resampler should be the cheapest when you can find the
right rational ratio for your rate change needs. This will still depend on
the filter taps you use in it, however, which is the size of the prototype
filter (the one you enter) divided by the interpolation rate.

2. The default taps for the PFB resampler will be a more expensive filter
than the fractional resampler. The latter uses 8 taps at a time in the
filter. You can tailor the size of the filter per arm (nfilts) to reduce
the overhead of the filter itself.

3. The PFB resampler will produce nearly the same output as the rational
resampler when the resampling rate of the PFB resampler is the same as the
D/I ratio of the rational resampler. The PFB will still be slightly more
expensive, even if you make the number of taps per arm (len(taps)/nfilts
for the PFB and len(taps)/I for the RR). The PFB computes two filter
outputs for every sample output, which is not needed when there is no
arbitrary part required -- but it won't know that and so does the
computation, anyways.

But as I said, like Dan, I just use the PFB resampler because it's so easy
and I tend not to be that concerned with the computational issues. If I had
to squeeze a bit more out of the overall flowgraph, I'd first tailor the
resampler's filter to shorten it, or I'd work to see if I could make the RR
work for me.

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